During the game, players collect and play matching train cards to claim railway routes connecting cities throughout North America. The longer the routes, the more points they earn! Additional points come to those who fulfill Destination Tickets (goal cards that connect distant cities) and to the player who builds the longest continuous route. The rules are simple enough to write on a train ticket — each turn you either draw more cards, claim a route, or get additional Destination Tickets!
Since its introduction and numerous subsequent awards, Ticket to Ride has become the modern day epitome of a "gateway game" — simple enough to be taught in a few minutes, and with enough action and tension to keep new players involved and in the game for the duration!
Players: 2 - 5
Recommended Age: 8+
Average Play Time: 30 - 60 minutes
Designer: Alan R. Moon
Artists: Cyrille Daujean, Julien Delval
Publisher: Days of Wonder